Barry Blend est né à Chingford, Essex en 1951. Pendant sa jeunesse, entre différents emplois à Londres, il sillonne avec sa guitare toute l'Europe. Cependant, sa passion pour la peinture est plus forte et lui fait prendre le chemin que l'on connaît.
En 1984, il ouvre son premier atelier/galerie dans un village pittoresque fortifié de pêcheur, Collioure, bien connu des grands peintres tels que Matisse, Derain, Picasso, Chagall, Dufy etc.. Il y crée son style si particulier fait de couleurs brillantes et de formes opulentes cernées de noir. Un style hors categorie, reconnaissable instantanément.
Actuellement il travaille aussi la 3D. Sculptures peintes et résinées en polystyrène qui se marient à la perfection avec le reste de son oeuvre.
Aujourd'hui Barry réside dans le village voisin Argeles sur Mer avec sa femme Néerlandaise Tineke et ils ont deux fils. Il a exposé en France, Allemagne, Pays Bas, Espagne, la Suisse ... et ses peintures et sculptures se trouvent dans des collections privés dans le monde entier.
Barry Blend was born in Chingford, Essex in 1951. Between various jobs in London, U.K. he travelled in Europe, busking with his guitar. However, his passion for painting took him in another direction, which was to become his profession.
In 1984 he opens his first studio/gallery in Collioure, a picturesque fortified fishing village well known for such painters as Matisse, Derain, Picasso, Chagall, Dufy etc.
Here he developed his distinctive style of bright colors and soft forms outlined in black: a style instantly recognizable, but not so easy to categorise.
Today he is also working in 3 dimensions. Carved in polystyrene, painted and covered in resin, his sculptures are in perfect harmony with his paintings.
Barry now lives in the neighboring village Argeles sur Mer with his Dutch wife Tineke. They have two grown boys. He has exhibited in France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Switzerland and his paintings and sculptures can be found in private collections all over the world.